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Medicina e Chirurgia in Romania

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13 Anni 2 Mesi fa #216097 da saramediun
ciao a tutti, io sono una ragazza di verona ho intenzione di provare il test per medicina ma mi sento carente in cultura volevo chiedervi se potevate darmi info su come si può fare il test di medicina in romania :D
grazie mille

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13 Anni 1 Mese fa - 13 Anni 1 Mese fa #217447 da Alessia91
Salve a tutti mi sono appena iscritta qui cercando informazioni sulla facoltà di medicina e chirurgia in Romania... fare il medico è il mio sogno da piccola.  Ho fatto il test di ammissione quest'anno dopo tantissimo tempo di preparazione e non sono entrata... il mio obiettivo è realizzare questo mio sogno e se ciò vuol dire passare circa un'anno della mia vita in Romania lo farò, però se qualcuno ha delle informazioni veritiere al riguardo vi invito a contattarmi in qualsiasi modo su facebook o tramite email [...] grazie in anticipo!!

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Ultima Modifica 13 Anni 1 Mese fa da .

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13 Anni 1 Mese fa #217489 da froze-mojito
questo è quello che ho trovato sul sito dell'uni a bucarest.è scritto tutto in inglese, e viene spiegato un pò tutto quello che c'è da sapere, le tasse, come si svolge il test, come ci si può immatricolare. le tasse non sono mica basse, a mio avviso, per chi viene a studiare da fuori!poi, da quello che ricordo io, il test prevedeva 2 materie, non una, come ha detto una ragazza precedentemente. io ricordo che si doveva dare biologia assolutamente, e poi si poteva scegliere tra chimica e  fisica(e molti sceglievano chimica xkè fisica era impossibile da fare,davano moltissimi problemi parecchio difficili).non so poi se sia cambiato qualcosa, è probabile che il test sia più facile adesso. guardando un pò di statistiche degli anni passati, ho notati che gli studenti rumeni negli ultimi anni non hanno più scelto medicina come percorso universitario, bensì economia ed informatica.quindi presumo che il test l'abbiano fatto più ragionevole, nella speranza di attirare più studenti. credo però che sia ancora difficilotto, compessivamente, perchè molto incentrato su problemi e meno su teoria. però meglio così, e più giusto direi, focalizzarsi su un test interamente scientifico, che su cultura generale ,come succede qui in italia. detto questo, mi sento in dovere di sottolineare una cosa: io ho passato il test a medicina in italia, pur essendo straniera, e non lo passate voi che siete madrelingua e tutto?ragazzi,studiate tanto e preparatevi per il test; studianto tanto e bene il test lo si passa anche qui voglio dire!!

University of Medicine
and Pharmacy "Carol Davila"

Rector Professor Florian Popa, MD, PhD
Address 37, Dionisie Lupu Street, 020021 Bucharest, Romania
Tel. No. + 4021 318 07 23; +4021 318 07 27
Fax No. + 4021 318 07 30; +4021 318 07 23
E-mail address
Web address
# Faculties & Departments Faculty of Medicine (6 years 360 credits ECTS)
# Faculty of Dental Medicine (6 years 360 credits ECTS)
# Faculty of Pharmacy (5 years 300 credits ECTS)
# Faculty of Medical Assistance (3 years 180 Credits ECTS) and Midwives (4 years 240 Credits ECTS)
Type of programmes Only full time
Date of commencement October 1st
Class size 7
Fees (foreign students) For non-EU citizens 360 EURO/month
For EU citizens 5.000 EURO/year
Financial assistance

About the University

Short History

Carol Davila, also founder of modern Romanian Health Services, founded the University in 1857, as National School of Medicine and Surgery. In time, it has developed as Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy, part of the Bucharest University. Following the reform of education in 1948, the Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" was set up, as a state Medical University. After December 1989 the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” become a state university with academic and financial autonomy. Our university is the oldest school of medical education in Romania. Its high prestige trough the historical perspective, is augmented by the experience of its current teaching staff, by the number of students, the area of hospitals and laboratories, as well as the quality of the equipment, and most important the professional quality of the graduated medical students.

Outstanding Achievements of the Academic Staff

The university has a long tradition. A great number of professors have been masters of academic teaching, but also scientists, worldwide recognized by the history of medicine. Victor Babes, Nicolae Paulescu, Gheorghe Marinescu, Thoma Ionescu, Ion Cantacuzino, Grigore T. Popa, are well known for breakthrough contributions in medical sciences. D. Bagdasar - C. Arseni, Th. Burghele, N. Gh. Lupu, A. Obregia, A. Rusescu, Ana Aslan, D. Danielopolu - Gr. Benetato, Mina Minovici, Stefan Nicolau, C.I. Parhon, S.M. Milcu were leaders in the development of their medical specialities in Romania, and now prestigious university hospitals and Romanian research institutes bear their name.

George Emil Palade, who started his academic career as anatomist in the "Carol Davila" School of Medicine is the first Romanian scientist who was awarded the Nobel Prize and currently is the honorary president of the university. Some members of the university staff with outstanding research activity are fellows and members of the Romanian Academy: Victor Voicu, Laurentiu Mircea Popescu, Constantin Popa, Leon Danaila, Dumitru Dobrescu, N. Cernescu, C. Ionescu-Targoviste or honorary members of the Romanian Academy: Sorin Comorosan, Leonida Gherasim, Mircea Olteanu. Many professors are fellow and members of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences. Permanent clinical training is carried out in the 31 university hospitals of Bucharest, which include all the medical and surgical specialties and the centres of excellence in health care of Romania. Through the years, the worldwide medical community has acknowledged the doctors who have studied in this University.

Departmental Resource

The "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy has a modern state of the art computer center. The students can use 40 computers connected to the internet and to the local area network (CD-Net), promoting a better communication, giving access to a wide range of journals from the fields of medicine and science. The center is housed in the Library of the Medical Students' Society together with the Erasmus Foreign Languages Training Center. A branch of the Medical Students' Society is in charge of the Medical Students' Network in the student campus. The medical student’s internet forum organized by the Medical Students' Society is rated as the third medical web-portal in Romania.

The Central Library of the "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy was founded in 1857 simultaneously with the National School of Medicine and Pharmacy.

Through its means, the Central Library sustains the educational and research needs of the university by providing access to 723,121 volumes and 5,250 journals.

A LAN connects the library with all the preclinical departments and a WAN allows an Internet link.

All the publications can be read on spot in the library reading rooms:

- The "Thoma Ionescu" Reading Room - 1st floor, the Faculty of General Medicine. Most of the publications are related to preclinical education (1st and 2nd years), but there are also publications related to other sciences such as psychology, philosophy, history, etc.

- The "D. Danielopolu" Reading Room - ground floor, the Faculty of General Medicine. The publications in this reading room are related to clinical education. A large number of medical journals can also be found here.

- The Dentistry Reading Room - 2nd floor, the Faculty of Dental Medicine.

- The Pharmacy Reading Room - 3rd floor, the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Research Programmes

The laboratories of Cell Biology, Synthesis and Analytic Organic Chemistry, the Research Groups of NeuroEndocrinology, Neuroscience, Biophysics and the clinical teams in Cardiology, Neurosurgery, Surgery for Organ Transplant, Diabetes, ENT are well connected all over the medical world. In all Medical Institutes of the Ministry of Health, located in Bucharest the members of our university staff are the coordinators of the scientific activity. The new and modern Carol Davila Publishing House has already edited specialized monographs as well as an international periodic journal "The Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine".

Faculties and Departments:

Faculty of Medicine:

Dean: Professor Victor Stoica, M.D., PhD

Contact details: 8, B-dul Eroilor Sanitari, Bucharest, 050474; Tel: 004021 318 07 60; Fax: 004021 311 09 84;

Student body: 4 747

Admission Requirements

Taking into account the legal provisions in force (the Order of the Ministry of Education and Research No. 3266/1998 with the instructions No. 36060/1998 regarding its application, the Ordinance No. 13/1993 and the Law No. 316/2006) as well as the resolutions of the Senate of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest dated 22.06.2006, 29.05.2007, 06.05.2008, 18.06.2009 and 25.03.2010 regarding the medical training in English of foreign citizens, Romanian citizens residing abroad, and Romanian citizens at the Faculty of Medicine, the following regulations will apply starting with the 1st academic year 2010-2011:

Admission requirements

for the groups studying in English at the Faculty of Medicine, The University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila":

The candidate will submit in person an enrolment form at the Rector's Office, the Office for Foreign Students, situated at 37, Dionisie Lupu Street, District 1, Bucharest, Romania between 14 - 23.09.2011 together with the official documents mentioned hereinbelow, in order to take the Admission examination; NO enrolment for the Admission examination will be possible without the official documents listed below.

The candidates from the E.U. countries, the European Economic Area (E.E.A.) and the Swiss Confederation will submit the following documents:

a. High school leaving diploma (Baccalaureate Diploma) in the original and a notarized translation into Romanian;

b. Birth certificate in the original and a notarized translation into Romanian/certified copy (Certified English translator Liliana Andronache, tel.: 0740.097.489);

c. Passport and a photocopy;

d. Two recent photos;

e. A medical certificate specifying that the candidate does not have any contagious diseases or any other diseases incompatible with the medical profession;

f. A statement given on the candidate's own responsibility specifying that his/her high school leaving diploma (Baccalaureate diploma) enables him/her to apply in the issuing country for Bachelor's degree studies.

g. The citizens from the E.U., the E.E.A. and the Swiss Confederation do not need a visa for studies.

h. The approval of the National Center for Recognition and Echivalance of Diplomas from The Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport.

The candidates from the E.U. countries, the European Economic Area (E.E.A.) and the Swiss Confederation will take the (written and oral) Admission examination between 26 - 28.09.2011.

The candidates from other countries will submit the following documents:

a. High school leaving diploma (Baccalaureate Diploma) in the original and a notarized translation into Romanian;

b. Birth certificate in the original and a notarized translation into Romanian/certified copy;

c. A letter of acceptance for the studies issued by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport - The General Direction for European Affairs and Bologna Secretariat;

d. Passport in the original and a photocopy with the entry visa valid for studying in Romania, obtained from the Romanian Embassy/Consulate; the citizens from the U.S.A, Canada, Japan and the citizens holding a Romanian passport and residing abroad do not need an entry visa;

e. Two recent photos;

f. A medical certificate specifying that the candidate does not have any contagious diseases or any other diseases incompatible with the medical profession;

g. A statement given on the candidate's own responsibility specifying that his/her high school leaving diploma (Baccalaureate diploma) enables him/her to apply in the issuing country for Bachelor's degree studies. The candidates from other countries will take the (written and oral) Admission examination between 26 - 28.09.2011.

The Romanian candidates who apply for the English Module will submit the following documents:

a. High school leaving diploma (Baccalaureate Diploma) in the original and a notarized copy;

b. Birth certificate (notarized copy);

c. Photocopy of the B.I. or C.I. (Identity card) - residence in Romania;

d. Two photos;

e. A medical certificate specifying that the candidate does not have any contagious diseases or any other diseases incompatible with the medical profession.

The Romanian candidates will take the (written and oral) Admission examination between 26 - 28.09.2011.


1. The authentication of the documents will be made at the notary public's office, and for the candidates from other countries the authentication can also be made at the romanian Embassy/Consulate in his/her country of residence;

2. The grades for the English examination are given from 1 to 10 (the minimum passing grade being 5 - five), and the general grade point average is the arithmetic grade point average of the grades obtained for the written and oral tests.

The enrolment period (submission of the documents), the English examination (written and oral tests):

a. 14 - 23.09.2011 submission of the enrolment files containing the documents stipulated above;

b. 26 - 28.09.2011 English examination and determination of the grade point average;

c. the admission quota for the first year - 2011/2012 at the Faculty of Medicine, the English module, is 120, the enrolment for an M.D. degree being done in a decreasing order based on the grade point average obtained at the English examination; if there are subsequent requests, the management of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest may take into consideration supplementing the admission quota according to the schooling availabilities of the Faculty of Medicine and organizing an additional examination session.

Tuition Fees:

a. € 320 - the English examination (written and oral test) for the foreign candidates and the Romanian candidates residing abroad (the fees are to be paid at B.C.R. Lipscani based on the certificate issued by the Secretariat - The Office for Foreign students);

- the Romanian candidates will pay the equivalent value of € 320 in RON at the cash desk at the Rector's Office based on the certificate issued by the Secretariat - The Office for Foreign Students;

* The candidates who have obtained the high school leaving diploma (Baccalaureate Diploma) in a country where the official language is English do not pay the fee for the English examination.

b. The candidates declared passed, in the order of the grade point average, will pay the following tuition fees starting with the academic year 2010/2011:

 € 5000/year for the candidates from the E.U., the E. E. A. and the Swiss Confederation (the fees are to be paid in maximum 3 installments at B.C.R. Lipscani based on the certificate issued by the Secretariat - The Office for Foreign Students);

 the equivalent value of € 5000/year in RON for the Romanian citizens (the fees are to be paid in maximum 3 installments at the cash desk at the Rector's Office based on the certificate issued by the Secretariat - The Office for Foreign Students);

 € 360/month for the candidates from non-E.U. countries (the fees are to be paid in advance for the following 3 months at B.C.R. Lipscani based on the certificate issued by the Secretariat - The Office for Foreign Students).

After the enrolment, the papers of the candidates who have been admitted to the university will be checked by The Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport. If these papers are found to be incomplete or forged, the enrolment will be cancelled. There will be no refunds for the admission examination and the tuition fees for one month will be retained from the total fees.

At the end of the second academic year, the students must pass a Romanian language examination (written and oral), which is eliminatory, and only after passing this examination they may continue their studies in the 3rd academic year. This examination is necessary because the communication with the patiens in the clinical rotations is in Romanian. This examination will be paid a fee of € 320.

The enrolment requirements for studying medicine in English will be posted on the website of the university: and on the bulletin boards at the Rector's Office and at the Faculty of Medicine.

The Faculty of Medicine will provide the logistics for medical education in English, the timetable and the necessary English books in the library, representing at least the minimum bibliography required.

The mentioned above information is valid at this time; changes may occur in the future.

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13 Anni 2 Settimane fa #218127 da nicoltums
Ciao ragazzi,
anche io vorrei avere delle info sulle università rumene, ho provato ad aggungerti su facebook alessia, se vuoi ne parliamo meglio così magari ci organizziamo meglio insieme! contattami....a presto Nicole

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13 Anni 2 Settimane fa #218146 da maggie91
Ciao ragazzi! anch'io ho lo stesso vostro problema... vorrei avere qualche informazione sulla Romania da qualcuno che ha o sta studiando medicina lì, e sapere se l'ingresso e il percorso è tutto così "liscio" come lo descrivono le agenzie.. ad esempio, quanti esami occorre passare per poter rientrare in Italia?!! Il test d'ingresso è solo di lingua romena??! Se ne sapete di più, dite la vostra! Grazie!!  :)

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13 Anni 2 Settimane fa #218150 da Cyanide
Domanda banale: ma avete provato a leggere un po' il topic? Solo nel post sopra il vostro c'è una lunghissima descrizione dettagliatissima di come funziona l'università di Bucarest, pagine addietro c'è invece una ragazza che ha raccontato la sua esperienza: non avete trovato alcuna informazione utile?


La violenza è l'ultimo rifugio degli incapaci (Isaac Asimov)

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